Acupuncture In Seattle
Michele Halfhill,
Are you looking for a path to healing? Acupuncture is one of the most respected alternative medicine therapies in the United States. Throughout history, more people have likely been treated by Oriental Medicine than by any other form of health care. With either specific health complaints or desiring greater balance of body and mind, Americans are discovering that acupuncture is effective and free of the side-effects common to modern medicine.
Please explore this website to learn more about acupuncture and my practice. Arrange your appointment by contacting me at my office, over the phone, or via email. Start on your path to health!
According to a study published in 2023, approximately 51 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain, with about 17 million of those suffering from high-impact chronic pain. Those who suffer from chronic pain find their lives altered in difficult ways. The search for relief is constant. Traditional medicine offers various prescription medications, but if you
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When most people hear the term “acupuncture” they think of needles being inserted into the skin. The term dry needling is often brought up for people suffering from pain as well and it also includes needles being inserted into the skin. But for the most part, that’s where the similarities end. Everything from their origins and benefits to how
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